Comité national des peches maritimes et des élevages marins (CNPMEM) 134 Avenue de Malakoff, 75116 Paris, France Website:
Agenda Focus Group on Skates and Rays, Paris 2 feb 2016
MINUTES Focus Group Skates and Rays, Paris 3 Feb 2016
Previous meeting
Terms of Reference FGRays
Item 2. Presentation Spatial management of Skates and Rays in the Irish Sea (Dave Reid)
Item 3. Presentation Feedback from Expert meetings on Skates and Rays (Irene Kingma)
Item 4. Working Document: Method for weighting of advice for multi-species TACs for rays (French only)
Item 5. Proposal for management of multi-species TACs for rays in the Eastern Channel and North Sea (French only)
Item 6. Project RAIMEST:Improvement on the knowledge base for Rays in the Eastern Channel (French only)