Working Group 2 - West of Ireland and Celtic Sea

- ICES VIIb-j (except a, d. e)

Wednesday, 06 July 2016
Dublin start time: 10:30 - end time: 12:00
Central European start time: 11:30 - end time: 13:00

Venue: Scottish Government, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh

Conference Room 01, Scottish Government Victoria Quay, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ 


Agenda WG2, 6th July 2016 

Minutes WG2, Edinburgh, 6th July 2016  

Chair's presentation

Item 1. Previous meeting (2 February 2016)

Item 2. Drafting advice to inform the development of the EU TAC proposal
Document 2 

Item 3. Nephrops
Commission Reply to NWWAC Advice on Nephrops Management Measures in the Porcupine Bank (FU 16)