
The NWWRAC meets in Santiago to review the management model for Atlantic Hake

By NWWRAC Communications Board Thursday, 4th June 2009 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2009.
The North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) will be holding its first official meeting in Galicia in order to examine the biological and socio-economic impact of the proposal for Regulation submitted by the Commission in March regarding a management plan for Northern hake, which is planned initially to come into force by 1 January 2010. Northern hake is a target species of great economic value for many EU vessels carrying on its fisheries activities in Grande Sole waters.

The NWWRAC meets in Paris to debate key challenges to fisheries management in Europe

By NWWRAC Communications Board Wednesday, 15th April 2009 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2009.
The North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) will hold its next Executive Committee meeting in Paris the 21st of April where a number of key issues such as the review of the Common Fisheries Policy, the reform of the control policy or the marine spatial planning will be discussed with representatives of the EU Commission, national administrations from the Member States and the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES).