On 26 November, the North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) hosted a virtual workshop on the impact of Climate Change on North Western Waters fisheries.
On 06 July 2020 the North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) hosted a virtual workshop on monitoring, control and enforcement of the Landing Obligation in collaboration with the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the North Western Waters Member States’ Control Expert Group (CEG).
On 08 July EU Commissioner, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius joined the virtual meeting of the NWWAC Executive Committee.
The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) hosted a workshop “Re-imagining Gear in a Circular Economy” in Brussels on 28 January 2020 in conjunction with the Baltic Sea Advisory Council, North Sea Advisory Council and Pelagic Advisory Council. Discussion at the workshop focused on the fishing gear component of recently introduced EU legislation, specifically the design, monitoring, collecting and disposal of fishing gear.