Presentation of UK management proposals in MPAs

Comité national des peches maritimes et des élevages marins (CNPMEM)
134 Avenue de Malakoff, 75116 Paris, France

For the Irish Sea, Channel and Western Approaches

Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Dublin start time: 14:00 - end time: 14:30
Central European start time: 15:00 - end time: 15:30

Venue: CNPMEM HQ, Paris

Comité national des peches maritimes et des élevages marins (CNPMEM)
134 Avenue de Malakoff, 75116 Paris, France


Agenda - UK proposals of Management in Marine Proteced Areas (MPAs) - 28 February 2017 

Channel and Southwest Approaches
1.     Bassurelle Sandbank SCI
2.     The Canyons MCZ
3.     East of Haig Fras MCZ
4.     Greater Haig Fras MCZ
5.     Offshore Brighton MCZ
6.     Offshore Overfalls MCZ
7.     North-west of Jones Bank MCZ
8.     South Dorset MCZ
9.     South-west Deeps (West) MCZ
10.   Wight-Barfleur Reef SCI

Irish Sea
11.   Croker Carbonate Slabs SCI
12.   Pisces Reef Complex SCI 

Defra_UK proposed fisheries management measures for English offshore MPA in the channel, Southwest Approaches and Irish Sea