
Advisory Councils publish Report on Steps to Sustainably Manage Fishing Gear

By NWWAC Secretariat Monday, 6th April 2020 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2020.
The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) hosted a workshop “Re-imagining Gear in a Circular Economy” in Brussels on 28 January 2020 in conjunction with the Baltic Sea Advisory Council, North Sea Advisory Council and Pelagic Advisory Council. Discussion at the workshop focused on the fishing gear component of recently introduced EU legislation, specifically the design, monitoring, collecting and disposal of fishing gear.

Clean Oceans – Healthy Fish – Healthy People: Workshop on Plastics & the Seafood Supply Chain.

By NWWAC Secretariat Thursday, 7th November 2019 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2019.
The North Western Waters Advisory Council (NWWAC) and the Market Advisory Council (MAC), two of the eleven European Advisory Councils providing the EU Commission with strategic advice on sustainable fisheries management, hosted a Workshop on Plastics and the Seafood Supply Chain in Brussels on the 7th of November 2019. The workshop brought together members of several Advisory Councils with experts and scientists to explore in both broader and greater detail the impact of plastics on fisheries and market actors.

Fishermen, scientists and administrations of the European Atlantic arc are meeting to draw up sustainable fishing management strategies

By GEPETO, NWWRAC and CCR-S Wednesday, 5th March 2014 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2014.
From the 25 to the 28 March, Dublin Castle will host the debate of the Advisory Councils of the North Western Waters and South Western Waters on the future of their fisheries. The event will bring together several fishing organisations from the Atlantic coast, and also the scientists and national administrations involved in the drawing up of sustainable management strategies for the future of their fisheries.

RAC and ICES Plan Increased Cooperation to Tackle Weak Stock Assessments

By NWWRAC Communications Board Tuesday, 1st February 2011 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2011.
The North Sea and North Western Waters Regional Advisory Councils proposed the new initiative which has now been enthusiastically supported by ICES. At a recent meeting in Copenhagen it was agreed to go ahead and to establish terms of reference for the new task forces. Once established, the individual task forces will decide which fisheries and stock assessments should take priority.

The NWWRAC meets in Santiago to review the management model for Atlantic Hake

By NWWRAC Communications Board Thursday, 4th June 2009 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2009.
The North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) will be holding its first official meeting in Galicia in order to examine the biological and socio-economic impact of the proposal for Regulation submitted by the Commission in March regarding a management plan for Northern hake, which is planned initially to come into force by 1 January 2010. Northern hake is a target species of great economic value for many EU vessels carrying on its fisheries activities in Grande Sole waters.

The NWWRAC meets in Paris to debate key challenges to fisheries management in Europe

By NWWRAC Communications Board Wednesday, 15th April 2009 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2009.
The North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) will hold its next Executive Committee meeting in Paris the 21st of April where a number of key issues such as the review of the Common Fisheries Policy, the reform of the control policy or the marine spatial planning will be discussed with representatives of the EU Commission, national administrations from the Member States and the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES).

Fishermen, conservationists, scientists and the European Commission agree to manage European fisheries for the long term

By Inter-RAC Group Tuesday, 16th September 2008 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2008.
An international Seminar on Long Term Management (LTM) Plans was held the 11th and 12th of September at the seat of the Regional Council Pays de la Loire in Nantes (France). The event was co-organized by five Regional Advisory Councils (Baltic Sea, North Sea, North Western Waters, South Western Waters, Pelagic Species) and sponsored by Région Pays de la Loire and AGLIA.

The NWWRAC launches another year of challenges as member delegates meet in Dublin

By NWWRAC Communications Board Monday, 1st October 2007 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2007.
The 2007 World Seafood Congress provided a most appropriate backdrop to the recent North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) meetings in Dublin. The NWWRAC Executive Committee and Annual General Assembly met on the 27-28th September 2007 to review a year filled with debates, challenges, and successes in the European fishing arena.

Crunch Meeting on Future of EU Cod Recovery

By Inter-RAC Group Monday, 12th February 2007 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2007.
The failing EU Cod Recovery Programme has prompted the North Western Waters and the North Sea Regional Advisory Councils to host a joint Symposium on Cod Recovery on 9 and 10 March next in Edinburgh. The Symposium, one of the most critical debates ever held on EU Cod Recovery, is set to offer findings that will inform the RACs’s advice to the EU Fisheries Commission on their soon to be revised Cod Recovery Programme.

Update on Progress of Work

By NWWRAC Communications Board Monday, 4th December 2006 | 0 comments
Filed under: 2006.
The work of the North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council is progressing smoothly as the NWWRAC moves into its second year of operation.

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