The North Western Waters RAC Executive Committee met on the 27th of June 2006 in Galway to debate and discuss issues such as the cod recovery programme, reintroduction of tuna drift-netting, technical conservation measures and the deepwater gillnet ban.
A sixty-strong delegation of representatives from the fisheries, environmental, angling and consumer sectors met in the French National Fisheries Committees offices in Paris on Monday November 7 and Tuesday November 8 2005 to consider issues and a way forward for fisheries and the environment in north western European waters.
The Bord Iascaigh Mhara-hosted inaugural meeting of the EU-established North Western Waters Regional Advisory Council (NWWRAC) due to take place on Friday (30 September 2005, Dublin Castle) will, for the first time in the history of the Common Fisheries Policy, bring together representatives from all stakeholder groups from the Irish, UK, Spanish, French, Dutch and Belgian fisheries sectors.